Order your new Hi Spec Slurry Tanker today Choose from : 👉800 gallon to 2000 gallon standard tanker 👉1350 gallon to 3000 gallon on a single axle recesssed tanker 👉2000 gallon to 4000 gallon on a tandem axle Spec the tanker to what you want : Galvanised Sight tube Pump exhaust Fill points 800 R32 tyres Wide angle PTO shaft Extra set of hose carriers LED lights /worklights /Beacons Mastek dribble bar/trailing shoes Air brakes Colour
Newrock 3000gl tanker 2022 Tandam axle Sprung drawbar 13500 pump Garda centrifugal pump 710 50 26.5 tyres Steering axle Hydraulic brakes Air brakes Lazy Arm c/w pod Piped for pipe system Left and right
IN STOCK – New Hi Spec 2600 gallon single axle recessed slurry tanker in stock available for immediate delivery Sight tube Pump exhaust Hyd change over 3 fill points Alliance 800/65 R32 tyres Rear mudguard flaps Extra set hose carriers LED Taillights and worklights Strobe beacons
New Hi Spec 2000 gallon Slurry tanker Fitted with 7.8 metre Chassis Mounted TrailingShoe German made 50 mm hosing on trailing shoe Alliance 800/65 R32 tyres 3 fill points Wide angle pto shaft Sight tube Jurop pump Extra set of hose carriers
Abbey 1600 gallon slurry tanker 2 fill points 21.3 R24 tyres No vat Local trade in
Agrimac Slurry tanker 1600 gallon 2 fill points Floatation tyres Lights Brakes Running g 100% Local trade in No vat
New Slurryquip dribble bars 7.8 /9.6 metre – other sizes available Chassis mounted for strength and safety Chassis mounted dribble bars removes the stress on the tank barrel over door mounted versions Moves the weight closer to the axle Reduces the tail swing once fitted Slurryquip dribble bars can be retrofitted to suit both New and Used Slurry tankers Easy access to back door LED lights
Conor Agitators Fully galvanized, Quick attach front bar 1″ and 3/4 shaft on a HD Gearbox. Can leave shaft on or off going in and out of tank 2 rams postioned out of slurry so nor ram seals going No steel on steel – nilon wear plates so no chance of excessive wear on where it slides in and out. 14,000ltr a min output Easy Driven Heavy Duty construction
Plantmec/Conor 6000 slurry agitator 1 owner from new HD gearbox Inch and 3/4 input shaft Direct flow to spout with same diameter pipework Top fill attachment High out put machine Quick attach bar